Hello, I've been using debian for about two years now, for work and
home, and this is my first post ever...

A friend of mine enrolled in some programming classes and just bought
himself a new computer.  We were putting the system together last night
and I ran into a serious problem while trying to install linux.  The
debian boot disk (resc1440.bin from 1997-10-13 and 1997-08-01) died just
after the kernel was loaded and booting, after about 10 kernel boot
messages the system rebooted itself (too quick to read just what the
last messages were, maybe PCI stuff).  The system is an AMD K6 200Mhz,
Iwill P55XB2 motherboard, 64Mb, 4.3Gb IBM Ultra DMA IDE drive.  I
thought that the new IDE might have trouble with linux while we were
buying the hardware, but I never would have guessed that linux would
blow up like that.  Has anybody seen this behavior with the debian
or linux before?  Has anyone tried the new Ultra DMA with linux?

Also the BIOS PCI device listing has something called "Serial Bus
Controller", I have never seen this before, strangly it shares the same
interupt with the video card (Matrox Millenium II), I assume this is
part of the Intel 430TX chipset, but have used the TX before, any

Gerald Turner

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