On Thu, 6 Nov 1997 Joost Kooij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Wed, 5 Nov 1997, Kingsley G. Morse Jr. wrote:
>> Has anyone found a way to use vi-style line editing in the 2.01-5
>> version
>> of bash?
>> When I do a 
>>     $ set -o vi
>>     $ <esc>k
>> to recall the last command, I just get a "beep" instead of the last
>> command. Has anyone found a way to use vi-style line editing in the
>> 2.01-5
>> version of bash?
>put this in your $HOME/.inputrc:
>set editing-mode vi
>set keymap vi
>Or, if your a real vidiot, put it in /etc/inputrc - the global inputrc for
>libreadline. See readline(3readline) and `info readline' for more

Thanks for your time and attention. I agree with you reasoning that adding 

   set editing-mode vi
   set keymap vi

to $HOME/.inputrc or /etc/inputrc is a good idea. I also suspect a library
problem because since my last post, I've discovered that now older
versions of bash have the same problem. I've even tried making these
changes to $HOME/.inputrc and /etc/inputrc but I'm sad to say they didn't
work. Running bash with strace didn't show much either. Pressing <esc>k

   read(0, "\33", 1)                       = 1
   read(0, "k", 1)                         = 1
   write(2, "\7", 1)                       = 1
   sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL)      = 0

Would someone else like to suggest a way to use vi-style line editing in
bash after upgrading to the latest versions of libreadlineg2, libc6 and


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