Chris Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asks:

> Subject: Book for writing shell scripts.
>       I am looking for suggestions on a good book for writing shell 
> scripts. [... omissions...]

Ellie Quigley has a good book on Perl, Perl by Example from
Prentice Hall. I use it, it is _good_. PH  has a book on 
Shell programming, Unix Shells by Example, by the same author
which _should_ be as good. 

Unfortunately, the examples tnd to be short and simple minded.
But it does show you how features work. It doesn't teach

David Teague

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> From: R Chris Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Book for writing shell scripts.
>       I am looking for suggestions on a good book for writing shell 
> scripts.  O'Reilly publishes a book on bash and another on awk & sed. 
> Their other books seam to be quite good are there good choices and 
> are there others worth looking at.  I'v been administering Debian 
> systems for a while and have hacked at scripts a little here and 
> there but only modifying other folks work to get slightly different 
> results.
>                       Chris

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