hi everybody,

I'm using Debian 1.3 bo libc5 only; for some reason (high degree of
newbieness :-) I wouldn't like to mess with libc6 for now;

last month I received a message from debian-changes@lists.debian.org
stating that there was a mutt package for libc5; like that:

> Description: 
>  mutt - Text-based mailreader supporting MIME, PGP and threading.
> Changes: 
>  mutt (0.85-0) stable; urgency=low
> .
> * Fixed the "sendmail=no" problem reported by Damir J. Naden.
> * This is essentially 0.85-3 built for libc5 systems.
> * The "0.85-0" prevents dpkg from viewing it as an upgrade to
>   any libc6 release of 0.85.
> * Built without preserved timestamps.

I'm looking forward to have mutt installed but I just can't find this
package in ftp.debian.org; could anyone please tell me where I can find
it? this is the 3rd time I post this question!!

(help me! I'm tired of downloading ls-lR.gz every day..)


Otavio Exel /<\oo/>\

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