> I'm new at this. I'm trying to set up my modem and I'm looking for some
> help other that the HOWTO's. 
> Linux is installed on the same machine as Win95. I have an internal 28.8
> modem. 
> I can't seem to get the hang of how to set the modem up  useing
> "setserial". I only want to dial out to my ISP.

Why are you dealing with setserial ? Are the setserial command that is done as 
part of the boot process do not suffice ?
Perhaps you have a PNP modem ?
> If someone sould help or point me in the directions of some simple
> instructions I would be much grateful.

Have you tried to contact your ISP with minicom (or any other equivalent 
software) ?

> Thanks,
>       clif

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