On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, zhangxu wrote:

> hi
> I am a beginner in linux. I have a small question in debian linux.
> I have downloaded and installed debian linux on my PC. but I can't
> connect my PC to network. To resolve this problem ,could you tell me
What sort of network do you have?  The baseinstall disks should lead you
through setting up tcp/ip,  etc..

> which packege should be install ? And, which packege should be install
> if I want to install X window?
Check http://www.debian.org,  find hte package for the Xserver you need,
and look at the dependency information.


|                       http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/                   |
|               You say "Love is a temple.  Love the higher law."        |
|               You ask me to enter,  but then you make me crawl.        | 
|                 And I can't be holding on to what you got              |
|                          When all you got is hurt.                     |

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