Philippe Troin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is a lot of space wasted unless you have large spool directories 
> (news/mail). For a reasonable single-user station, 64MB should be 
> largely enough on /var. /tmp is left to your choice (16 is a good 
> number).

I would find 16M for /tmp WAY too small.  I do development, and the
compiler wants to put it's temporary files /tmp - some of them can be
fairly large.  Compiling with "-pipe" in g++ fixes this, and g++ does
respect the "$TMPDIR" environment variable, but those solutions feel like
kludges around the problem.  My answer was to make /tmp a soft link onto a
partition with a lot of space.  (I do actually use -pipe by default, but I
have a lot of RAM and not everyone does.)

+--------------------  finger for pgp public key  ---------------------+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |       |

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