Dear Debian friends,

in a fit of abysmal stupidity I manage to break my 1.3.1 system.
I wanted to upgrade to netbase-netstd 3.0 and FORCED an un-install of
libreadline2 to install libreadline2g ... now my bash is broken and god
knows what else ... locked out of home ...

Only after I discovered the libc5-to-libc6-miniHOWTO ....

Do I have some chance of rescuing my system ???

* OPTION A (preferred)

I tried booting with an install floppy, escape to the shell and mount my
/dev/hda1 disk.

On the same HDD I have a Win95 partition on which I downloaded the
packages described in the libc5-to-libc6 HOWTO.
Unfortunately with the boor floppy I used (an install floppy) dpkg-deb
does not seem to work and I cannot manage to mount the non Linux FS
Is there some other boot disks which could help me more ??

If I could do both things, could I succeed re-applying the packages in
the order specified by the HOWTO ???


In alternative I would still be happy if at least I could recover my
/home (smallish), /root and /etc directories and do a complete 1.3.1

Would need to save these files on a few floppies.

Problem is that I booted with an install disk, mounted my Linux HDD
partition but could not use tar ... could also accomodate using cpio
which works, but could not feed it all filenames under /etc or /home
since neither find . -name .... nor ls -lR do work ...

Any bright ideas ?????

Thank you very very much for any help you will provide.

Bob Alexander - Rome - Italy

PS Please direct all insults directly to my e-mail 8->

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