Remco wrote:
> One really important thing: do not force dpkg to install or remove
> anything. The dependancies and conflicts are there for a reason. There
> have already been many that screwed up by forcing dpkg to do not-so-smart
> things. I am one of them, but I upgraded before the HOWTO was written, so
> I can't be blamed for not reading it ;-)
> Remco

I have used --force-depends now quite a few times without being burned...  
However, I do not do so without having what
I believe is a decent recovery means and secondly I don't use it until I am 
really convinced that NO other option is
available (and three as I am learning more and more about dpkg I realize that I 
should ALWAYS document exactly what
I was doing and why because if what I do really is necessary and it does work 
then the developers need to know about it).


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