On Mon, 17 Nov 1997 00:21:04 PST George Bonser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

> On 16-Nov-97 Philippe Troin wrote:
> >  3) NT is not multi-user, it's sequential multi-user (and even that, badly).
> >     I mean, you cannot telnet onto an NT box and crash an other user session
> >     (hence sequential). Furthermore, IMHO, it doesn't need a pentium bug
> >     to crash it.
> You are wrong in this. If I telnet into an NT box, place an executeable
> containing this bug in a an area I own and run it, the entire CPU stops cold.
> There are no longer any other user processes.  The cpu STOPS. It crashes the
> whole machine.

You'll have to explain me how to telnet (or rlogin or rsh) onto an NT box :-)
But maybe we can take this off the mailing list ?


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