>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Nov 17 03:51:00 1997
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>From: "Christopher Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: I-Step Communications
>To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
>Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 03:50:16 -0800
>Subject: Tear-Drop (ip_fragment bug) anyone apply the patch?
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>"There has been a severe bug discovered in all implementations of Linux 
>up to 2.0.31 and 2.1.62 (development) which can be used to remotely 
crash or
>reboot your Linux system."
>http://www.linux.efnet.ca/ip_fragment.shtml.   also info at: 
>I'm about to apply the patch.  Has anyone had experiences w/ it 
espcially with 
>respect to debian/
Chris, the 2.1.63 .64 and .65 are patched for this...regards...Rik
>Christopher Wong, MBA
>Attorney at Law
>I-Step Communications
>Web site design, hosting and dialup services
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