In the file /var/log/kern.log, I have the message like that :

Nov 18 05:08:49 poynting last message repeated 2 times
Nov 18 05:10:50 poynting kernel: Warning: possible SYN flooding. Sending
Nov 18 05:10:59 poynting kernel: Warning: possible SYN flooding. Sending
Nov 18 05:10:59 poynting kernel: validated probe(3103d184, 5a4ccb84,
33166, 20100, 1878646017)

This message is repeated a lot of time. What is the meaning of this
message? This week, a user (we actively search him) use our server to
attack and crash a other server on the net. Today, our own server crash.
We think that the crash was a strike back. So, the kernel message about a
possible flooding could be related to our hacker war?

Dany Dionne
Physics Department
Laval University

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