> > Also, the system refuses to take a hostname. I've reinstalled it
> several
> > times (I'm using it as a training tool) and it seems to alternate
> > between "UNKNOWN_13" and "(none)". Typing "hostname DLinux" to set
> the
> > name (or just "hostname") gives "hostname: command not found". PPP
> seems
> > to be quite flaky on this system - would this affect the connection
> > stability?
> From user
> $ hostname Dlinux
> hostname: you must be root to change the host name
> The program should be /bin/hostname
> As far as it is alternating, you might want to check your
> /etc/ppp/ip-up
> file (and /etc/ppp/ip-down).  My (non-stock) setup changes my
> hostname to match with what my ISP says has designame for my dynamic
> IP.
> Also, if you reboot your machine the hostname is retrieved from
> /etc/hostname.
        Looked around the system - "#find / -name hostname" shows
/usr/doc/hostname and /proc/sys/kernel/hostname... My /usr/pppup/ip-up
and /usr/pppup/ip-down are calling /etc/HOSTNAME (which doesn't exist so
I created it). Nothing else strikes me as odd. Reboot, and noticed an
                /etc/init.d/boot: hostname: command not found
        Copied HOSTNAME to hostname and rebooting got rid of the error
but din't change anything else... Next step is to remove extra modules
in modconf (maybe a conflict?) and try again... Otherwise it's another
fresh install (and this time no adding extras to it until it works!)

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