On Mon, Nov 24, 1997 at 04:18:25PM +0000, G. Kapetanios wrote:
> I have just installed a new tape driver ( seagate travan 3200 ). I have
> tried it u der windows and it works ok. I am trying to make it work under
> Linux. I have installed ftape-2.0.30 and am using a 2.0.30 kernel. When
> ftape was installed it complain that the modules were unresolved symbols.
> I thought I should recomplile with modversion switched off but I gave it a
> try with modprobe and the modules seemed to load OK. Then I tried
> garfield:~# ftmt -f /dev/qft0 status
> as mentioned in the manual but got 
> ftmt: /dev/qft0: Device not configured
> after the floppy disk was accesed brielfy the tape driver was not accessed
> at all. What am I doing wrong ?. A quick look at the documwentation
> included mainly info on compiling. What about some debian specific info ?
> Any help will be appreciated.

You need to add some parameters when loading the modules to tell
ftape what sort of tape controller you have. There should be 
information about this in the html pages that come with ftape-2.0.30.
You can put your command line in /etc/conf.modules so that you don't
have to type it each time.

Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust              [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering.    3rd year, RMIT.
http://hamish.home.ml.org/ (PGP key here)             CPOM: [******    ] 60%
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