On Nov 24, 11:31, Timothy Phan wrote:
>   I'd like to know has anyone here used the Yamaha CD Recorder 400tx
>   with Adaptec 2940 scsi control under Debian/Linux to record files
>   succesfully?
>   I've just purchased the recorder and try out the command:
>     $ cdwrite --eject
>   and the kernel/Adaptec driver kept printing out of a lot of message
>   concerning the timeout on the CDrecorder device.

Hi Timothy!

Use cdrecord, not cdwrite (which I understand is very out of date).  I
have only done simple things, such as recording images made with
mkisofs, but cdrecord has worked with my Yamaha CDR400tx.
Unfortunately, last I looked, the only Debian cdrecord package was in
hamm (unstable), so I grabbed the sources from
and built it myself without any problems.

Kirk Hilliard

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