On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Olivier THARAN wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 25, 1997 at 01:46:28AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Couldn't find it in the FAQ's or howto's: how do I add users to 
> > diffferent groups, e.g. dialout?  Do shadow passwords affect the process 
> > at all?
> Just edit /etc/group and put the username you want at the end of the line
> containing the group you want the name added to. eg:
> floppy:*:25:
> becomes:
> floppy:*:25:olive

You can also do this with adduser.


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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