
I am trying to dial in with my linux box to cisco with PAP.

I get authorized etc... but my syslog says this:

Nov 24 21:13:22 stealth kernel: ippp0: dialing 0 1691140... 
Nov 24 21:13:22 stealth kernel: isdn_net: ippp0 connected 
Nov 24 21:13:22 stealth kernel: isdn_net: chargetime of ippp0 now 29698 
Nov 24 21:13:22 stealth ipppd[246]: Local number: 0611421240, Remote
number: 1691140, Type: outgoing
Nov 24 21:13:22 stealth ipppd[246]: PHASE_WAIT -> PHASE_ESTABLISHED,
ifunit: 0, linkunit: 0, fd: 7
Nov 24 21:13:22 stealth ipppd[246]: sent [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1500>
<auth pap> <magic 0xcc32> <MPmrru 0x5dc> <MPdiscr: 0x4 [ 00 00 00 00 6d 94
00 00 ]>]
Nov 24 21:13:25 stealth ipppd[246]: sent [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1500>
<auth pap> <magic 0xcc32> <MPmrru 0x5dc> <MPdiscr: 0x4 [ 00 00 00 00 6d 94
00 00 ]>]
Nov 24 21:13:25 stealth ipppd[246]: rcvd [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x16 <auth
pap> <magic 0x61ea3adb>]
Nov 24 21:13:25 stealth ipppd[246]: sent [0][LCP ConfAck id=0x16 <auth
pap> <magic 0x61ea3adb>]
Nov 24 21:13:26 stealth ipppd[246]: rcvd [0][LCP ConfRej id=0x1 <MPmrru
0x5dc> <MPdiscr: 0x4 [ 00 00 00 00 6d 94 00 00 ]>]
Nov 24 21:13:26 stealth ipppd[246]: sent [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <mru 1500>
<auth pap> <magic 0xcc32>]
Nov 24 21:13:26 stealth ipppd[246]: rcvd [0][LCP ConfAck id=0x2 <mru 1500>
<auth pap> <magic 0xcc32>]
Nov 24 21:13:26 stealth ipppd[246]: lcp layer is UP
Nov 24 21:13:26 stealth ipppd[246]: sent [0][PAP AuthReq id=0x2
user="proletar" password not logged for security reasons! Use '+pwlog'
option to enable full logging.]
Nov 24 21:13:26 stealth ipppd[246]: rcvd [0][PAP AuthAck id=0x2msg=""]
Nov 24 21:13:26 stealth ipppd[246]: Remote message: 
Nov 24 21:13:29 stealth ipppd[246]: rcvd [0][LCP EchoReq id=0x1 61 ea 3a
db 05 06 61 ea]
Nov 24 21:13:29 stealth ipppd[246]: sent [0][LCP EchoRep id=0x1 00 00 cc
32 05 06 61 ea]
Nov 24 21:13:39 stealth ipppd[246]: rcvd [0][LCP EchoReq id=0x2 61 ea 3a
db 3f c2 24 a0]
Nov 24 21:13:39 stealth ipppd[246]: sent [0][LCP EchoRep id=0x2 00 00 cc
32 3f c2 24 a0]
Nov 24 21:13:49 stealth ipppd[246]: rcvd [0][LCP EchoReq id=0x3 61 ea 3a
db 00 00 00 00]
Nov 24 21:13:49 stealth ipppd[246]: sent [0][LCP EchoRep id=0x3 00 00 cc
32 00 00 00 00]
Nov 24 21:13:56 stealth ipppd[246]: sent [0][LCP TermReq id=0x3 61 75 74
68 20 66 61 69 6c 75 72 65]
Nov 24 21:13:56 stealth ipppd[246]: rcvd [0][LCP TermAck id=0x3]
Nov 24 21:13:56 stealth ipppd[246]: Connection terminated.
Nov 24 21:13:56 stealth ipppd[246]: taking down PHASE_DEAD link 0,
linkunit: 0
Nov 24 21:13:56 stealth ipppd[246]: LCP is down
Nov 24 21:13:56 stealth kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0 
Nov 24 21:13:56 stealth kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0 
Nov 24 21:13:56 stealth ipppd[246]: link 0 closed , linkunit: 0
Nov 24 21:13:56 stealth ipppd[246]: reinit_unit: 0 
Nov 24 21:13:56 stealth ipppd[246]: Connect[0]: /dev/ippp0, fd: 7

My /etc/ppp/ioptions is:

debug                   # enable debugging
#kdebug X               # set kernel debugging level to X
#nodetach               # (no) fork to the background
#callback X             # ask for callback (parameter X ?)
#lock                   # create a lock file for device 
#domain X               # add domain X to a given hostname
#pidfile X              # save pid in file X
#call X                 # take options from priviledges file (???)
#idle X                 # idle time limit (seconds)
#holdoff X              # holdoff time limit (seconds)
#maxconnect X           # set maximum connection time (in seconds ?)
+mp                     # enable multi line ppp
#+pwlog                 # log password (WARNING: possible security hole)
#nomagic                # magic number negotiation
# ppp handshake : tuning

#silent                 # don't even try to initiate the connection
#passive                # wait for the peer to initiate the connection
#lcp-echo-failure X     # consecutive echo failures
#lcp-echo-interval X    # time for lcp echo events 
#lcp-restart X          # Set timeout for LCP 
#lcp-max-terminate X    # Set max #xmits for term-reqs
#lcp-max-configure X    # Set max #xmits for conf-reqs 
#lcp-max-failure X      # Set max #conf-naks for LCP


#name proletar                  # set local name for auth
user proletar                   # set name for auth with peer
#usehostname            # use hostname for auth
#remotename             # set remote anme for auth
#noauth                 # (dont) require peer (the other) to auth
require-pap             # allow only pap authetication
#require-chap           # allow only chap authentication
#login                  # use system password database for pap
#papcrypt               # pap passwords are encrypted

#pap-restart X          # Set retransmit timeout for PAP 
#pap-max-authreq X      # Set max #xmits for auth-reqs
#pap-timeout X          # Set time limit for peer PAP auth.
#chap-restart X         # Set timeout for CHAP 
#chap-max-challenge X   # Set max #xmits for challenge 
#chap-interval X        # Set interval for rechallenge


noaccomp                # address compression on/off
nopcomp         # protocoll field compression on/off
novj                    # van jacobsen compression on/off
novjccomp               # van jacobsen connection-ID compression on/off
#vj-max-slots X         # tune maximum vj header slots
nobsdcomp               # bsd compression on/off
nodeflate               # deflate compression on/off
nopredictor1            # predictor1 compression in/off
noccp                   # compression negotation on/off


#noip                   # en/disable ip transfer
#X:Y                    # set local ip to X, remote ip to Y
noipdefault             # don't use name for default ip addr
useifip         # use ip addresses form interface
#usefirstip             # use first ip from auth file for remote
#netmask X              # set netmask X
#nodefaultroute         # (dont) set default route 
#nohostroute            # (dont) set host route
#noproxyarp             # (dont) set an proxy arp entry
mru 1524                        # set maximum size of recive units to X
#default-mru            # disable mru negotation
mtu 1500                        # set maximum size of transmit units to X
#useifmtu               # use mtu from interface
#ipparam X              # set ip parameters in script X
#ms-dns X               # dns address for the peers use
#ms-wins X              # wins address for the peers use
#set_userip             # define valid ip addresses in /etc/ppp/useriptab

ipcp-restart 5          # Set timeout for IPCP 
#ipcp-max-terminate X   # Set max #xmits for term-reqs 
#ipcp-max-configure X   # Set max #xmits for conf-reqs 
#ipcp-max-failure X     # Set max #conf-naks for IPCP 
ipcp-accept-local       # Accept peer's address for us 
ipcp-accept-remote      # Accept peer's address for it 


noipx                   # en/disable ipx
#ipx-network X          # IPX network number 
#ipxcp-accept-network   #  Accept peer netowrk
#ipx-node X             # IPX node number 
#ipxcp-accept-local     # Accept our address 
#ipxcp-accept-remote    # Accept peer's address
#ipx-routing X          # IPX routing proto number 
#ipx-router-name X      # IPX router name
#ipxcp-restart X        # Set timeout for IPXCP 
#ipxcp-max-terminate X  # max #xmits for term-reqs 

ipcp-restart 5          # Set timeout for IPCP 
#ipcp-max-terminate X   # Set max #xmits for term-reqs 
#ipcp-max-configure X   # Set max #xmits for conf-reqs 
#ipcp-max-failure X     # Set max #conf-naks for IPCP 
ipcp-accept-local       # Accept peer's address for us 
ipcp-accept-remote      # Accept peer's address for it 


noipx                   # en/disable ipx
#ipx-network X          # IPX network number 
#ipxcp-accept-network   #  Accept peer netowrk
#ipx-node X             # IPX node number 
#ipxcp-accept-local     # Accept our address 
#ipxcp-accept-remote    # Accept peer's address
#ipx-routing X          # IPX routing proto number 
#ipx-router-name X      # IPX router name
#ipxcp-restart X        # Set timeout for IPXCP 
#ipxcp-max-terminate X  # max #xmits for term-reqs 
#ipxcp-max-configure X  # max #xmits for conf-reqs 
#ipxcp-max-failure X    # max #conf-naks for IPXCP 

I entered those extra - options just to be on safe side (besides

Why I can't get IPCP working?

Where am I doing wrong?


Snail Mail: Iztok Umek, Pod vinogradi 39, SI-8351 Straza, Slovenia
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