On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Chris Brown wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm looking for a flowchart or something that describes the boot 
> sequence in detail... haven't found anything like that yet.
> I'm a newbie to Linux, installed my first two systems this past 
> weekend and have tons to learn. I know the PC inside out and am 
> comfortable with OS's in general, have witten my share of x86 
> assembly and DOS tsr's. 
> I have no idea what happens during the kernel bootup, initialization 
> and the starting of processes. Mainly looking for which process 
> invokes what, and how and where control is passed around during 
> system startup.

Well, the kernel invokes /sbin/init once it's mounted the root partition;
you could start from there, reading the man pages on init and inittab.
Also, once you've read a small bit of that, /etc/init.d/README is _very_
useful in figuring out the Debian way of doing things with regard to
system startup.

> Secondly, I'm looking for a breif but complete listing bash and 
> external commands.
Well, this satisfies both criteria, though it may be a bit briefer than
you want: (assuming you have installed mandb, perl, and netstd, and
assuming that your default shell is bash)
telnet localhost | tee foo.log
<login as normal>
<hit tab twice at the prompt and answer "y" when asked>

Now, edit foo.log with your favorite editor so that all it contains are
those lines with those various possible commands.  Then:
(these two lines should all be typed as one big long line)
perl -ne 'while ($a = m/[^\s]+/g) {print "$&\n";}' foo.log | 
       sort | xargs man -f > commands.log

This is a bit of a summary - I only wish that there were an easier way to
generate the initial list with the telnet...

> Any suggestions pointing me towards specific online docs, faqs, 
> howto's or published books would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, and read the bash and bash-builtins man pages too.

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