I've just gone through and compiled bash 2.01 for my bo system - I got the
debian package source, modified the tarball so that it would unpack nicely
with bo's dpkg-source, and then mucked around with the debian/ subdir of
the unpacked source so that it built a libc5 (bo) bash, libreadline2,
libreadline2-dev and libreadline2-dbg.  Anyway, I can see that this bash
would be useful for others, especially for those of us with bo systems who
need a fix for the '((ls);(ls))' problem.  So I'd like to make it publicly

Now, since I'm not one of the trusted debian maintainers, I wouldn't
expect people to just take the binary packages I've created.  So what I'd
like to do is create a diff file showing what I've done to the debian/
directory of the standard source distribution, that people can apply via
patch after having downloaded the and unpacked the hamm source.  The idea
then is that other people will build their own bash packages if they need
the new bash, but won't have to go through all of the puzzling out of
debian/* files that I've already done.

So here's the question - how do I make this patch?  Some files in the
original source distribution's debian/ directory aren't there in mine.
Also, doesn't a diff usually tell how to change one file into another?
How then does one generate patch files to change one file into a modified
version of the same file (i.e. source and target filename the same)?


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