I started building an initrd image for use with loadlin and md (I
wanto to put everything under raid-0).  As first step, I needed the
image of an ext2 (or whatever) file system to mount via loopback
device, in order to put into it all the necessary modules and so on.

First, I realised that, if any docs exist on how to use the loopback
device, they are well hidden.  Hints are found in the mount man page
and in the Bootdisk-HOWTO, but nothing general enough.

Indeed, everyone assumes that you have an image and want to mount it,
but nothing is said about what to do to *create* an image from
scratch.  Well, the Bootdisk-HOWTO says how to do, but it does not
work...  It says that you just need to do

        dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/fsfile bs=1k count=nnn
        mount -o loop -t ext2 /tmp/fsfile /mnt

and voila`.  But mount refuses to mount, because it does not find a
superblock.  So I tried to mkfs.ext2 on the file, but to no avail:
apparently mkfs is not able to work on loop devices.  Moreover, the
mkfs.ext2 man page is missing (I filed a bug report).

Well, if you cannot suggest a better way, here is a small script that
creates an ext2 file systrem image from scratch.  One caveat: it uses
a ram disk, so you must have enough free memory to hold all of it.

Improvements welcome.


# Create file IMG of size SIZE KB, which is the image of an ext2
# file system, using ramdisk device RAM, and mount it at MNT

LABEL='initrd image'

set -ex                 # exit on all errors

mkfs.ext2 -L "$LABEL" -m 0 -v -b 1024 $RAM $SIZE
mount $RAM $MNT
mount $RAM $MNT -o remount,ro
dd if=$RAM of=$IMG bs=1024 count=$SIZE
umount $MNT
mount -t ext2 -o loop $IMG $MNT

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