Have you looked in your ~/.netscape direcotry for a file named
'lock'??  If it exists, quit your netscape applications and
rm ~/.netscape/lock and then restart.  Sometimes netscape
will be improperly shut down and not remove its lockfile.

dpk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Systems/Network         |  work: 353.4844
Division of Engineering Computing Services     |  page: 222.5875

On Wed, 26 Nov 1997, Jess Stryker wrote:

> Netscape will not start-up.  I've been using
> this version of Netscape without trouble for
> months.  When started, a pid is assigned and
> issuing a "pidof netscape" confirms that the
> process exists.  After several tries Netscape
> will finally start after complaining that it
> is already running.  This occurs regardless
> of whether I am connected to my ISP or not.
> As stated, I have not changed any of the
> Netscape files or settings that I am aware of,
> this problem just appeared one day.  The only
> thing I can think of is that I periodically
> upgrade my Debian packages every couple of
> months, and I did run an upgrade shortly
> prior to this problem occuring.  No other
> programs seem to be suffering.  Anyone else
> having this problem or anyone with any
> suggestions.  I can find no error messages
> in the logs related to this.
> I also tried updating to the new Communicator
> 4.04 and it exhibits the exact same behavior
> as the old 3.01 version.
> Thanks!
> Jess Stryker
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