On Sat, 29 Nov 1997 03:29:15 EST, Wintermute wrote:
> David Stern wrote:
> > 
> > I'm trying to cut down my online time and would like to use diald,
> > however everytime I wish to follow a link in my browser (netscape) to a
> > webpage that is cached, diald fires up a ppp link.  I prefer to only
> > reload webpages manually, so I setup netscape to never reload webpages
> > automatically.  If diald weren't running, the pages would load
> > instantly, but instead I have to wait for the ppp link to come up and
> > then for a response, assuming the line is not busy or inoperative..
> > 
> > So I want to use diald, but I cannot allow diald to fire up a ppp
> > connection when the page is already sitting on my hard drive.   I'm not
> > sure if this is a browser setting, a diald setting, or if I need some
> > kind of caching software, but I don't see any information like this
> > anywhere, maybe because I don't know what I'm looking for. :-)
> > 
> > Would somebody please steer me in the right direction?
> The problem in this situation is that Netscape will always attempt to
> access the remote server that the pages rely on when you click a link,
> whether or not you have the page locally in the cache, or have to option
> on to never check for updates on the page.
> Most browsers do this.  
> Why?  Anyone's guess.  
> My guess? Because it automatically tries to resolve the domainname in
> preparation for an actual read, which in turn causes diald to fire up.
> Solution?  At best whatever you or others come up with will be a hack
> since the problem is with Netscape and not diald.

Isn't there some kind of cache software, though?  I don't know what 
it's called, but it caches webpages locally, and won't querry the 
remote server unless the page isn't in the cache?  What is it called?  
Would it work?

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