On Wed, 26 Nov 1997, Witold Grabysz wrote:

> Remco van de Meent wrote:
> > On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Witold Grabysz wrote:
> >
> >  : the following phrase doesn't work in bash:
> >  : ((ls);(ls))
> >  : Why? Is it not allowed by the shell syntax or there is a bug in it?
> >  :
> >  : It is a little important for me, because it is how the Netscape 4 spawns
> >  : an external helper:
> >  : ((gv temp_file.ps);(rm temp_file.ps))
> >  :
> >  : In tcsh it works, however I cannot force Netscape to spawn processes in
> >  : tcsh.
> >
> > bash-2.00 introduced this 'feature' of not-working indeed. Upgrade to 2.01
> > and everything will be fine again.

> not everything is fine. I have done according to your advice: got bash-2.01
> source and compiled it.
> Netscape works now, but when a non-privileged user run startx, there is a
> message:
> The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> >Error:        Cannot open "compiled/server-0.xkm" to write keyboard
> description
> >                   Exiting

This just happened to me, but I was also playing with "XkbDisable" (for
wabi) at the same time. Plus, I an startx once as root (which I never have
tried before).

Anyway, I changed the permissions of /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compiled/ to
777 and seems well again.


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