Lawrence wrote:
  >What is the likely device name in the /dev directory for a SCSI tape
  >drive? is it /dev/tape?  Anyone using the Seagate Travan SCSI backup?

SCSI tape drives are:
crw-rw-rw-   2 root     root       9,   0 Feb 19  1997 /dev/st0
crw-rw-rw-   1 root     root       9,  96 Feb 19  1997 /dev/st0a
crw-rw-rw-   1 root     root       9,  32 Feb 19  1997 /dev/st0l
crw-rw-rw-   1 root     root       9,  64 Feb 19  1997 /dev/st0m

If you have more than one you can create /dev/st1 and so on

The SCSI tapes are assigned to st[0-9] in the order that they are recognised
at boot time.

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                    

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