I am trying to install Debian 1.3.1 from CheapBytes disk on a new computer
(and a newbie at Linux) which has a Matshita (Panasonic) CR-585 24x
CDRom. At the point in the install where it tries to access the CDRom, it
halts with the error message: mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block
The CDrom was not mounted successfully. I built the rescue and drivers
disks, and installed as many relevant drivers as I could to postpone going
to the CD for as long as possible. My first attempt, to use the harddisk as
suggested in Dale Sheetz's book also did not work. At the point where you
select the partition where Debian Archive resides, it presented me with
one option in the list: /dev/hda1, which is my Win95 partition, and halted
a little further on.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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