I am using the current version of the stable tree (I guess Debian 1.3.1 r6).  I
have recently upgraded my video card from an ancient old thing to the Diamond
Stealth 3000 3D.  I have used both xf86config and XF86Setup to produce
XF86Config files that provided some usable modes.  However, if I exit X and then
restart it (with startx), my machine will hang (i.e. no keystrokes will modify
the blackness - I have not tried to log in from another machine and correct the
problem that way).  If I reset the machine, I can again startx ONCE before the
same thing happens.  Does anyone know a solution to this?  I hate to have to
reboot, much less reset my machine.

To get around this for now, I have started using xdm.  Now I have noticed that
my backspace key is not working (except in xterms).  I do not know if this is
associated purely with xdm or if it is associated with a new XF86Config I
created today to try to get around the problem presented above (which I did NOT
manage to accomplish).  Now, in an rxvt, I get a ~ whenever I press the
backspace key.  Also, other applications to not repond to the backspace key. 
What have I done wrong?

Thanks in advance for any assistance on these matters,

Paul Rightley

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