On Sat, Dec 06, 1997 at 11:57:22PM -0500, Paul Miller wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Dec 1997, Alex Yukhimets wrote:
> > > How can I fix this problem?
> > Run "perl -c" on your script and see what happens.
> > Plus check if it is mode 755.
> syntax OK
> perl is mode 755.. should the script be?  I tried the script at 755 is it
> still didn't work...

You probably forgot to output the content type & the following blank line.
Something like

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" 

would usually do it.

However, you should at least read your web server error log before
posting like this, it will usually tell you what went wrong. If you
were missing the content type, Apache's error logs will tell you
invalid script headers or similar. Then you should make sure you read
the CGI specifications. None of this is a Debian or a Linux problem.

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