On Sun, Dec 07, 1997 at 11:29:08PM -0500, Paul Miller wrote:
> Unfortunately that is the first thing... it runs on other systems, so I'm
> clueless..  It wasn't able to run from the server cgi-bin, so I don't
> think it is suEXEC's problem, but Apache's.

Hmmm, ok, I apologise for getting a bit carried away about that.
I tested it here on two systems (Solaris running from a web server
running as me from my home directory) and Linux on the system
web server, running Apache 1.1 and 1.2 respectively, perl 5.003
and 5.004_02 respectively, and both were fine, although it's
difficult to be absolutely sure without the corresponding

What's suEXEC got to do with it? Perhaps that is a factor.
I don't really know what it is, but I assume it lets you run
setuid CGI programs or similar.

So if you couldn't run it from the cgi-bin, how did you run it --
name it .cgi and enable that in the Apache configs? Perhaps
that part is the problem. Post your srm.conf?

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