Gianluca Ryo Trimarchi writes:
> First of all, sorry my bad English :-)
> Please help me with these problem:
> Few days ago I've installed my "new" hd (conner 1080mb) in my computer.=
>  It's
> splitted in three partions: 1 primary (dos fat 16) e 2 logical for linux =

That's the problem-------------------------------------^^^^^^^^^

When You install debian (or most other distributions), you must remove these 
pseudo-partitions as only DOS understands them. When the menu displays
'partition drive' as a selection, jump in and use the Linux version of fdisk
to delete everything *EXCEPT* /dev/hda1. Then create new 'primary' partitions
which will become the swap and root partitions. Use the 'type' command to
switch the new swap partition from ext2 to swap. And then write it out when
you are satisfied with the division of your drive.

Hope this helps you

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK - member of ARRL
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
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