George Bonser wrote:
  >When will Debian learn about dtterms?  I am now using a SPARC-IPC running
  >Solaris and CDE as my desktop. I use it to connect to four different
  >Debian systems.  It is getting to be a pain to keep setting my $TERM to
  >xterm (I do not know if this is even correct ... it seems to work).

I don't know what dtterm is, but from context it sounds like a terminfo
or termcap setting.  

If that is correct, use infocmp to dump it on the SPARC-IPC, transfer the
result to the Linux machine; then use tic to compile it into Linux's
terminfo database.  Use similar methods to transfer the termcap
settings.  If you want it to go into future Debian releases, send the 
results to the maintainer of the appropriate package; no doubt he will
be grateful.

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                    

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