
There are a lot of things about mail delivery that I'm unsure of right 
now. Having put more time into thinking about exactly what I want, I've 
become less certain about my configuration needs.

Originally I thought it best to masquerade globally, as this is not 
email client specific, which is important in case I decide to try out 
another mail client, and exclude root.  The problem is that all mail 
gets queued up for the smtp server, and mail to root is undeliverable 
(even when connected to my smtp server).

Now I'm thinking I want to masquerade the hostname on a user by user 
basis (at the system level, for outgoing mail) and also for mail from 
and to local users to be delivered locally without the smtp server 
being in the loop, if that is consistent--it sounds complex and I don't 
know if it is or not.

What I mean is that I want mail from root to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
n to be delivered without the smtp server ever knowing about it, and 
vice versa.

Does anyone do this?  Which MTA do you use?  Where are the rules or 
facilities to configure this?  I'm willing to try just about anything 
that will work. If I've lost my marbles, please suggest something 
David Stern


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