On Mon, Dec 15, 1997 at 04:16:17PM +0000, Eloy A. Paris wrote:
> I started to maintain ksmbfs that is now called smbfs. Last week I
> uploaded the libc6 version.
> However, I don't know anything about the 2.1 kernels. For me, it is
> too bloody to be in the bleeding edge of kernel development. I know
> that Volcker Lendecke is too busy these days to take a look at ncpfs
> and smbfs, packages that he maintains (upstream).
> I know there have been changes in the 2.1 kernels that broke the
> userland utilities. Sorry I can't be of any help at this time.

Thanks for your reply Eloy.

Who is changing the kernel driver and not keeping the userland utilities
up to date? Unfortunately this happens all too often with Linux.

Eloy, was your libc6 upgrade also a new upstream release?

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