cs51wcs writes:
 > Hi,
 >   I'm currently trying to figure a way to display where I am in the
 > filesystem like in dos, but am having  a hard time. Any assistance is
 > appreciated. 

If you use the tcsh as your shell...

[1:42] Ørn:~ > set
argv    ()
cwd     /home/oehansen
dirstack        /home/oehansen
echo_style      both
gid     50
group   staff
history 100
home    /home/oehansen
path    (/bin /usr/bin /usr/bin/X11 /usr/local/bin /home/oehansen/bin .)
prompt  %B[%U%T%u]%b Ørn:%~ %# 
prompt2 %R? 
prompt3 CORRECT>%R (y|n|e|a)? 
shell   /usr/bin/tcsh
shlvl   2
status  0
tcsh    6.07.02
term    xterm
tty     ttyp2
uid     1000
user    oehansen
version tcsh 6.07.02 (Astron) 1996-10-27 (i386-intel-linux) options 
[1:42] Ørn:~ > cd bin
[1:44] Ørn:~/bin > set prompt = " Me:%~ %# "
 Me:~/bin > 

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