At 08:19 -0600 on 12/19/97, Aaron Walker wrote:

> I am trying to unpack the newest kernel source in /usr/src.  It goes
> along fine until it stops and says:
> tar: Skipping to next header file
> gzip: linux-2.0.33.tgz: invalid compressed data---crc error
> tar: Archive - EOF not on block boundary
> I used the following commands to try to uncompress the kernel source:
> gzip -dc linux-2.0.33.tgz | tar xvB
> tar xpvf linux-2.0.33.tgz
> They both produced the same error.
> Any ideas? Please help.
> Thanks.

The message from gzip makes me think the file was not downloaded as a
"binary" file but as a text file.  I would suggest trying the download
again and explicitly specify the "binary" option.



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