On Sun, Dec 21, 1997 at 12:22:13PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> the program lynx from bo comes with predefined colours.  That's fine,
> but I don't like them.  I tried to re-configure them but couldn't find
> a user-based way.
> I thought this should be able to do on ~/.lynxrc but how?  The only
> way was to comment out the COLOR statements in /etc/lynxrc and modify
> them.  Btw. how do I know what those numbers reflect?

It also makes Lynx nearly impossible to use on MDA systems.
MDA is still quite a good display for server type systems;
I only recently upgraded my home server to VGA, and only
because I had a spare monitor. I could never work out how
to disable the colours either.

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