John Goerzen wrote:
> At my location, we are dealing with a large Unix network composed of
> machines from multiple vendors -- Debian, RedHat, Sun, DEC, etc.  We are
> moving largely in the direction of Debian and some of the legacy systems
> will be dropped within a few years anyway (due to Y2K nonconformity).
> We have approximately 2500 users that can pick any of a few dozen machines
> to log in to.  Currently, we use NIS to propogate passwd information
> (login, password, UID, etc.)  I am aware that NIS is widely considered to
> be insecure.  I am wondering what alternatives Debian might support that
> would provide a more secure solution than NIS.

The latest version of NIS uses encryption and authentication. I don't
know if software is available for debian (or anyone other than Sun).
Sun calls it NIS Plus.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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