Sounds liek a stupid question I know. First the reason. I am trying to
        get amanda to work on my debian box. I am still on bo and there is no
        .deb binary, so I think simple i'll just grab the hamm source stuff.

        I found the .orig file and a .diff file. I thought I could just untar
        the .orig, and then pun pathch < from the .diff file. But this results
        in lot's of files in the directory I am working dorm, and not in the
        appropriate subdirectories.

        What am I doing wrong?

Stan Brown     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    770-996-6955
Factory Automation Systems
Atlanta Ga.
Look, look, see Windows 95.  Buy, lemmings, buy!   
Pay no attention to that cliff ahead...            Henry Spencer
(c) 1997 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

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