On Sat, Dec 27, 1997 at 11:38:25AM -0800, Jesús Antonio Santgos Giraldo wrote:

> 1) There is no UMSDOS for debian isn´t it?

That's correct.  If you want to run Debian from an umsdos filesystem
you have to install a basic system on an ext2 and then create the
umsdos filesystem using their specific tools.  After that you have to
copy the basic system to the new filesystem and install loadlin and
a linux kernel on the dos partition that contains the umsdos filesystem.

> 2) I bought my computer and it comes preinstalled with windows 95, so
>    all of the hard disk is in one single partion.
>    Reading the files that come with the debian distribution I read that
>    I could use fips, but unfortunatly when I run it it stops with an 
> error:
>    that the partiosn is OBh or something...
>    I suposse, as I read further, fips only can do partitions on msdos 
> file
>    systems, and I have a pure windows 95 FAT32...
>    So the question is:
>    How can I shrink my only one partition ! even if it is a windows 95 
> one.

I was told that there is one program that may help you: Partition Magic.
But it's a highly commercial program.



  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                            Erfahrung ist eine nützliche Sache /
/ Leider macht man sie immer erst kurz nachdem man sie brauchte /

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