Will Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, 28 Dec 1997, David Stern wrote:
> > essentially: What will it take to get a (any) search function for 
> > debian-user? Or conversely, what is blocking a search function from 
> > being implemented?  Or does a search function plan already exist? ..
> Well,  you can hit the archives at www.debian.org and search _them_
> with something simple like Netscape's "find" ...
>                                                       Will

Although why one can't use the glimpse engine supposedly provided for
this very purpose is beyond me - what's with the web-based search
engine, huh?

I'd volunteer to set something like that up on my machine, except
1) I have dynamic IP (and haven't yet gotten my ml.org account)
2) I have only one phone line, and often need it for other purposes.
3) I've only been saving all my incoming mail since about
mid-December, so have a very incomplete archive (though I suppose I
could always run a lynx -traverse and suck down the existing archives)

That I should be studying for qualifying exams is probably another
good reason...

Actually - I wouldn't really necessarily need a web-accessible copy of 
the archives on my machine, since I could have a search engine just
return links to the archives on debian.org...

Well, it's something to consider when I get back to school in a week 
or two.

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