On Sun, Jan 04, 1998 at 05:25:23AM -0500, Carl Nasal wrote:
> I installed Debian (twice now) to try to get my CD-ROM installed.  I
> don't know much about the CD-ROM as it was installed about 3 years ago
> and from moving around we've probably lost most of the documents about
> it.  From just reading the front of it, it says:
> "Quad Speed // Creative // MPC2 (Multimedia PC)"
> Someone gave me the idea to try "mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom"
> which just *tried* to detect my CD-ROM again which takes anywhere form 5
> - 15 minutes (never actually timed it).  The last line of the "search"
> and on was:
> sbpcd-0 [29]: No drive found.
> mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/cdrom as a block device
>        (maybe 'insmod driver'?)

Well, firstly, /dev/cdrom is not automatically your CD-ROM drive.
Usually, it's a symbolic link to the real drive's device name.
If yours isn't the default type, then you have to either change
the link, or not use it.

In this case, /dev/cdrom seems to be linked to /dev/sbpcd0. sbpcd0
is for a SoundBlaster-style CD-ROM drive -- usually one that connects
to your sound card or another interface card, but NOT to your IDE
card or port on the motherboard. Now from the description of
your CD-ROM drive, it sounds like this might be the right one,
although I didn't think they ever made them in quad spin.
What sort of card is your drive attached to? Usually I would
think that sbpcd could find your drive if it's attached to a sound
card. If it's attached to a special interface card it might not
find it, I have some of those cards that live at addresses
sbpcd doesn't look at.

It might be an IDE drive. In that case, you want to try to mount
/dev/hdb, hdc, or hdd; it could be any of those.

Autodetection by the sbpcd driver does take a very long time.

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