One other thing I like about Debian, a non-technical thing, is
that development is open. Sure, Redhat is all free, but there's
still a vendor. With Debian, you can be part of the vendor.

On Sun, Jan 04, 1998 at 10:02:54PM +0000, Timothy Hospedales wrote:
>       One thing mentioned in the article was that Linux [supposedly] didn't
> scale easily, and hence was not very good for enterprise level stuff. Yet,
> I seem to remember reading in either the linux or debian FAQ that it scaled
> very well to multiple pentium processors...... What's the real scene with
> its scalability?

Don't know, can't afford multiple Pentiums to find out :-)
And nobody supports the OpenPIC multiprocessing that Cyrix and AMD support.

One other issue of scaling is things like directory services.
It sounds like NIS/NIS+/NYS/YP is a bit troublesome on Debian.
Then there are other directories like LDAP which WindowsNT is supposed
to have in 5.0 I think ("Active Directory"). Commercial vendors get
excited about these because their big commercial customers are
getting excited about them. I wonder how important these technologies
really are long term. Linux depends on someone (or some company)
getting excited enough to implement it. A company like Caldera
might do it, but Caldera have already shown that they won't
release all their new code as GPL (Caldera's distributions have
support for Netware NDS and hence Netware 4 which ncpfs does not).

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