On Sun, Jan 04, 1998 at 11:42:56PM -0500, Paul Miller wrote:
> I'm having trouble with the 'security = user' option.  When set, the Win95
> computers can't browse or login - permission denied.  When it is set to
> share, everything works fine.  Anyone have this problem before?
> I'm using Samba 1.9.18alpha14 with encrypted passwords enabled.

Yeah, I have sambades on my bo system here, which has the encrypted
support (predecessor to the current samba in hamm).

With security = share, it asks NT users again for the password,
even if it's the same as their login password. With security = user,
it asks the 95 users. So I can't win either way. I think it will
let me in with security = user though, after double checking the
password. Maybe it is remembering your password incorrectly?
Not sure what you can do about it though.

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