On Tue, Jan 06, 1998 at 09:03:39AM -0500, Alex Yukhimets wrote:
> > Does ppp run the ip-up and ip-down scripts for incoming connections
> > as well as outgoing? I added some commands to my ip-up on the server
> > to set up extra routes when I dial in, but they don't seem
> > to get run.
> They DO run here. As for ttyS? or /dev/ttyS? you'd better find this out
> experimentally: put
> echo $2 >/tmp/pppdev
> into ip-up script and check /tmp/pppdev after connection being
> established.

Thanks Alex, I will try this out and modify my script
if I need to. It would be nice if ppp could provide the incoming username,
so I didn't have to go hunting for it with w.

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