On Tue, Jan 06, 1998 at 01:09:48PM +0100, Mario Fabiano wrote:
> Alexander Stavitsky wrote:
> realized that the permissions of /tmp were no longer:
>     drwxrwxrwt
> but:
>     drwxr-xr-x
> and Afterstep was no longer able to write into that directory.
> I have no idea about who or what could have changed the permissions. I also
> carefully looked to tcp daemons logs, but did not find anything strange.

If you extract a tar archive into /tmp itself (and not a subdirectory),
the permissions may well change. The tar archive contains an entry
for the root directory of the archive, including permissions for it,
so your /tmp inherits those permissions. Make a subdirectory and
extract into there.

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