On Tue, Jan 06, 1998 at 04:10:46PM -0800, Richard Sevenich wrote:
> I have a friend with the subject machine and may try to install debian.
> However, there are two warning labels on the box:
>       * intel inside
>       * Designed for Microsoft Windows 95
> and the second label has me concerned (e.g. software drivers unique to W95).
> Has anyone experience with this machine? The HP support person I called
> had no clue.

I don't really know anything about the machine, except that I saw
one in a computer store and it looked like it was ATX and didn't
have a power switch on the front; if I recall correctly, the sticker
on the front says choose Start->Shutdown to power off. 
You might need to recompile the kernel and enable APM,
and especially power off on shutdown.

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