On Tue, Jan 06, 1998 at 07:20:32PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
> It often doesn't really matter, but I recently had to do this in order to
> compile some utilities which were dependent on the symlinks (although I
> could have rewritten the Makefile to eliminate the check, although I don't
> know what the result would be). It's probably a good idea when using
> the bleeding-edge kernels, as well.

Hmmm. I am running 2.1.72 and have run some other 2.1 kernels
before that and never needed to have the symlinks. I compile
ftape from sources because the binary package is kernel specific,
and it looks in /usr/src/linux/include, as the kernel itself does.

Surely this technique is widely enough known that all
software should be using it by now that needs the kernel-specific

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