Sorry for responding once again, but my previous posting was not exact.
The best explanation of the problem can be found in kernel source:
(Search for "SIGFPE" string) 

                        Wojtek Zabolotny
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wed, 7 Jan 1998, Britton wrote:
> While trying (and failing) to get my no-name (well KTI networks)
> PnP PCI Ethernet card to work, I noticed this:
> $ cat interrupts
>  0:   87414006   timer
>  1:     799266   keyboard
>  2:          0   cascade
>  3:    6901359 + serial
>  4:     462426 + serial
>  5:      16194   sound blaster
>  8:          0 + rtc
> 13:          1   math error
> 14:     340701 + ide0
> Things don't look right on IRQ 13.  Anyone know what would tend to cause
> this type of error?

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