Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am intereste din a system where I can install things....then go
> through the config files (not
> some X interface) and read the docs...
> and configure it....

There is no X configuration utility in debian (yet), but all packages
configure during installation and many leave a config utility in /usr/sbin/,
but you can and will have to edit the config files with a texteditor if you
want some custom things.

> and I like the idea of compiling everything from source

You can get the debian packages as sourcefiles, change things if you want
and then do a dpk-buildpackage to rebuild the .deb
Or build things in /usr/local (I recommend the stow package to keep
things in clean situation then).

> so...I am new to this list...what am I gonna find with debian?

You can do naything you want on a debian system. Noone can stop the root
user ;-)

> I mean...I know what im talking about is more work on the actual
> install...

You could also become a debian developer if you want. If you use a programm
that hasn't a debian package yet, debianize it and share it with the
community. Check the Mailinglist archives for the periodic "Work-Needing and
Prospective Packages" mail.

Also debian is preparing for the 2.0 release and still needs helping hands
for testing it.


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