I've got a system that's been running for months (as an Internet
"gateway"/router).  Everything's been great - until just recently.

All of a sudden, the system's been freezing on me - and I'm getting two
different sets of messages which I'm not sure are related.  The most common
problem/error I'm getting, which occurs as many as 15 times in a typical day

Aiee:  scheduling in interrupt 001248c9

The above message fills the console window, but doesn't seem to be repeating
(no flashing from painting anyways...).  The system is locked at this point.
Cold boot or Reset is required.

The other error message I'm getting is a kernel panic as follows:

kernel panic skput:over: 0280e6b4:1514 In swapper task - not syncing

The log files reveal nothing out of the ordinary....
This system is pretty basic:  P120, 32MB, IDE drive, 3C905, BB2016,

Obviously, the first thing I've been looking for is what has changed on this
system.  The answer is, "not much".  About a month ago, I moved from 2.0.29
to 2.0.32, but these problems have only been occuring for the last week or
so.  Regardless, I'm currently trying to get 2.0.33 built and try that -
along with going back to 2.0.29 (I've still got the old kernel available).

Any help/hints you can provide would be much appreciated.

Kevin Traas

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