On Sun, 11 Jan 1998, Gregory Guthrie wrote:

> The XF86 config file points to /dev/mouse, which is a link to a serial
> port, but, my mouse is not on S0/S1.
the correct PS/2 mouse port is /dev/psaux.

> How should /dev/mouse be setup for this, in windows it is a separate port
> at IRQ 12.
use /dev/psaux and it'll be taken care of automatically.  You might do

rm /dev/mouse
ln -s /dev/psax /dev/mouse

to make a new /dev/mouse link that points to /dev/psaux,  and then use
/dev/mouse instead of /dev/psaux.  That way if for some reason you ever
need to use a serial mouse,  you can just change the link rather than
reconfiguring every piece of software that uses the mouse.


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